Sunday, July 12, 2009

A quick check-in: Date night exists in many forms

I just wanted to check-in with those who are interested in finding out the results of our first survey. So far, I can share that nearly 40% of us get out for date night at least once a month. I wish I was one of them!

I've had over 40 responses so far, and would love to get a few more before I share the results with everyone. Forward the blog address or just the survey link along to your friends. I'll be closing the "date night" survey down on Friday and opening up the next survey.

Also, through your comments, I'd love to get an idea of what you want to learn about through our next survey. Top recommendations were finding/paying babysitters, child discipline approaches, and the always fun...or at least I hope so...topic of sex.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Just the beginning

Today is the first entry in what I hope will become a weekly blog. My goal for this blog is to provide insight from parents to parents; although, I think anyone can enjoy the content. A couple of times a month, potentially even weekly - although I'm making no promises, I will include a survey link. The survey will include questions about topics that are real points of interest or contention among parents. The next blog entry will then share the insights from what our survey respondents shared about themselves from the preceding survey.

My name is Diana Sheehan, and I'm a somewhat neurotic, full-time working mother of two. I'm also a researcher, currently employed as a marketing research consultant. This is the driving reason why my blog will use survey insight as the foundation of the blog. I'm a bit of a nerd and really like surveys.

You'll learn a lot about my parenting approach each week, but my hope is that you'll also learn from each other. I do not have all of the answers. Honestly, since becoming a mom, I've learned that I often don't have any answers. I've found comfort and knowledge in talking with other parents, in various phases of "parenthood," and my hope is that readers will gain some of that insight through this blog.

My son, Payton, is well into his terrible twos, and currently refusing to listen to anything I or my husband say. Right now, the toilet is for flushing toys, and he's discovered how to de-childproof the childproof toilet lid. Potty training is currently a pipe dream, and buttons or plugs of any kind are meant to be toys. It's fun! My youngest, Gemma, is a very sweet 17-weeks old. She's at that really fun age where she smiles and rolls over yet can't get into too much trouble. My husband, Craig, completes our family unit. Like many other parents, we have differing opinions on how to raise our kids, how to work with each other as partners, how to make time for "us," and how to maintain who we are as individuals while still being there for each other.

Enough background! Next week, I plan on talking about the infamous...or famous depending on who you talk night. My husband and I are terrible at setting time aside for "just us" but I know others are much better. Use the link below to answer our 5-minute survey on date night, then check in next week to see what other parents think. Feel free to forward this to any other parents you think might find this interesting. Thanks for sharing in my blog and good luck parents!